Our nation’s veterans serve and protect us in the military — but too often, we fail to serve and protect them when they return home: Only 30% return to civilian life with a job, nearly two million along with four million of their family members lack basic health coverage, 20 veterans die from suicide every day, and over 40,000 are without a home on any given night. They deserve better.
And a set of simple changes and cost-effective tools will make a dramatic difference, from leveraging veterans’ unique experience and training to propel them toward jobs, to proven programs that help with re-entry to civilian life, to services that make it easier for vets to access high quality healthcare and secure housing.
Protect and Serve: A Veterans Bill of Rights has been introduced in 11 states: Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Texas. See the map here.
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